Tuesday 8 October 2019

Wordpress Website Customization



Welcome to my wp customization gig in this gig, I will help you to make your WordPress website customization according to your requirement and make it look re-fresh, will do design changes fixing CSS/HTML issues on the website.

With this Gig,s I'll do Wordpress customization for your site and fix any type of issues.

[+] Welcome to my gig

[-] Wordpress pages design customization 
[-] Theme customization 
[-] Fix blank Wordpress issue
[-] I will configure Demo content and setup theme on your domain
[-] Theme installation 
[-] CSS issue
[-] PSD to WordPress Page Design
[-] Custom Page design and fix layout
[-] Fix mobile friendly mobile optimization 
[-] Woocommerce set up and customization
[-] Remove extra theme content
[-] Custom widget design
[-] Custom header
[-] Custom Footer area
[-] Fix the speed issue
[-] SSL Issue
[-] Reduce spamming on your website
[-] Protect your website spammers bots

[+] why me?

[-] fast Service with 24 hours
[-] Instant response
[-] WordPress 5 years experience

What I'll require completing your order 

All website requirement needed with points
Cpanel Login
contact me before place order

Thank you 



Awesome work once again, thank you


They did a great job completing the job I was after


Great work again!


Great Work Again!



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