Saturday 30 January 2021

Increase Wordpress Speed Optimization With Google Page Insight And Gtmetrix


Faster, faster, faster..... that's what we're all looking for in optimizing our websites. It's a major signal of google ranking factor, To increase wordpress speed optimization, I'll give you  setting up WP Rocket, imaging optimization, setup and installation of Cloudflare free CDN and more.

Don't just try to fix speed issues, build them into your design process and give your websites the best chance of getting happy visitors with a fast and responsive WordPress website.

How I increase wordpress speed optimization?

☞ Run a test through page-speed testing tools

☞ Using best caching plugin(wp rocket)

☞ Start with caching files

☞ Optimize CSS files

☞ Set up JS files loading

☞ Optimize the media files

☞ Set up preloading priority

☞ Database optimization

☞ Use CDN (cloudflare free)

☞ Optimize your images

☞ GZIP  compression

Why Choose me first?

  • 100% satisfaction
  • Unlimited revision
  • Free support for 1 month

You can contact me before order for free consulting


: : : : :

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