Wednesday 20 January 2021

Fix Bugs In Html, Css, Php, Contact Form, Wordpress Issues


I will fix bugs in html, css, php, contact form, wordpress issues

are facing any of these issues?

php errors, php bugs, php issues, fix bugs in html, css issues, php and html issues, contact form errors and bugs, wordpress issues, wordpress errors, wp bugs.

I will fix bugs in html, css, php, contact form, wordpress issues

Are you facing any layout issue or difficulty in programming, Don't worry leave it to me, i will fix html, css, jquery, php, javascript, bootstrap, shopify issue. i will also show you where was the issue.

I will fix bugs in html, css, php, contact form, wordpress issues.

I will fix one html,css, jquery issue for $10 in custom order.

We also Provide :

- Install Wp and Shopify themes.

- Domain and Hosting Services.

- SSL installation

- PSD to highly optimized responsive html

- Any Jquery or Wp plugin integration.

- Wp website development and customization

I will fix bugs in html, css, php, contact form, wordpress issues

Your questions will be answered in 2 -3 hours on normal working days Most of time it more quicker, we love you and know how to treat.

I will fix bugs in html, css, php, contact form, wordpress issues



He did everything he said he was going to do. updated/added/deleted/fixed files and secured my site. plus he was with me till 3am EST getting me in the right direction. he never gave up on me.


Great communication, highly recommended!




Great, and accommodating.


Good work!

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