Sunday 17 January 2021

Fix Wordpress And Woocommerce Errors Or Do Customization


I will fix wordpress and woocommerce errors or do customization as per your requirements.

I've more than 3 years experience in WordPress and I can help you with any WordPress problem whether it is fixing a bug/error or building a website from scratch. I always try to maintain a strong communication with my clients and delivering a quality work is my utmost priority!

Here are some of the features you can avail in this package:

  • Fix any script issues (PHP, HTML, CSS etc)
  • Responsiveness Issues (Mobile/Tablet/PC)
  • Performance/Speed Optimization
  • Fix Theme and Plugin related Issues
  • HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden
  • Clean Malware Virus or Malicious code
  • Email Delivery Errors
  • Fix any Memory Errors
  • Social Login Integration
  • Website Migration
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • WooCommerce Errors

If you don't see your issue listed above, don't worry, just send me a message with your problem explained and I'll get back to you asap!

Why chose me? 

100% Customer Satisfaction

Quick Support

Unlimited Revisions

100% Money Back Guarantee

Looking forward to work with you!



Mr Ali (Blur_New) had done very hard work on my site from adding attributes which were missing from my site and also making changes to the product page for my WP Woo site, and did google analyitcs and twitter app applicaiton and integration through his developer account where i was cofused to do so and did social login for my two sites ... this has really helped me for making my site look better than before, and all he did very responsibly, by investing time on his staging site and keeping safe my site, also has advised me which plugins are not safe and what are safe for my site, and gave me couple of bonuses on my gig, thank you for that and will come back again, A+++ from my side, Thanks


Thanks for sorting SSL for me and for working with my hosting provider as well. I have worked with Ari twice in the last week and cannot be happier with the result,communication and time taken to deliver (fast and that's with worldwide time differences). Def recommend and thank you for the suggestions to help improve my site too. Thank you!


Helped me get my MailChimp integrated with WordPress in super fast time with very little help needed at my end. A great service overall and super helpful, would totally recommend!


Ali helped me to rectify all my website issues perfectly. He went above and beyond what was expected to help me. If you are looking for a long term partner to deliver your work consistently, he is definitely your go-to guy!


I had a serious error code on my blog that took a high level of expertise. Others tried to fix it and could not. Working with blur_new was easy, professional and fast. His responses were almost immediate and his communications were clear and to the point. I certainly will use his services again and highly recommend him to anyone who needs help with WordPress or any of the other services he offers.

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