Friday 30 April 2021

Update Php Version Of Wordpress, Update Themes And Plugins


I will update php version of  wordpress website and I will update themes and plugins  of wordpress website.

updating php version of a  wordpress website to the latest version is really necessary and a key factor to increase wordpress speed.

As you know and I know, wp theme and  plugins are playing a vital role in wordpress. Without these,  wp is nothing. So we should upgrade wp themes  and plugins time to time.

We  have to update server, cpanel php version to the latest so get better speed in wp front  end  and as well as  in wp-admin.

I will update php version of  wordpress website and I will update themes and plugins  of wordpress website.

Reason  of updating



Bug Free

Latest minified  code

Search engines friendly

Browser friendly

and many more.

I will update php version of  wp blog and I will update themes and plugins  of wp site.

Feel free to contact me. I will answer all your  queries.



Upgraded all themes, plugins, SMTP, fixed all errors, reconfigured security. We didn't accomplish everything on the first try, but we were able to figure out almost all problems at the end. Very motivated to deliver. Very accessible and easy to reach/communicate with.


I had a client whose website PHP was incompatible with the Divi Theme she had built her website in. SiteGround, her hosting platform had also switched from cPanel to SiteTools. @jekeshkumaroad was quick to respond and hoped on the job. The theme was picky and he managed to fix any of the error messages that kept coming up. His work was much appreciated!


Thank you so much! Helped me update our WooCommerce database with the Subscriptions plugin - no issues, no revisions required!


Great work! Really knows his stuff.


Fantastic job

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