Thursday 22 April 2021

Create A Wordpress Ecommerce Website Using Woocommerce


If you're looking for a person who can make for you an eCommerce/woocommerce website, you're in the right place.

What you'll get:

1. Install WordPress and E-commerce theme

2. Customize woo-commerce pages

3. Setup Woo-Commerce plugin

4. 100% responsive layout

5. Setup different shipping options. 

6. Set up payment gateways as per requirements

7. Setup Contact page

8. Much more......

E-commerce site features

1. Product Reviews

2. Payment gateway integration

3. Products upload & variable product integration

4. Rating Product Variations & Unlimited category

5. Wish-list System Social Media

6. Installation of SEO Plugins

7. Order tracking & Sales Reports

8. Setup Multiple Currency Options

9. Multiple Tax Rates

10. Shipping Weight Calculation

11. Setup Discount Coupon System

Why choose me?

 I'm a professional WordPress Developer and Designer with lots of years of experience in web design and developing Web websites. I build professional and responsive landing pages and WordPress Websites according to client requirements.


Order the gig now and Save Your Valuable Time

Note: Discuss your website plan before placing any customized ordering. 

Thank you!


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