Friday 30 August 2019

Convert Blogger Wix Weebly To Wordpress


I will move your site from a different blogging platform to Wordpress Self-Hosted

It is best practice to have a conversation with me before ordering!

As your blog grows, you may want to change the look of your site and add more features to your growing audience. That means it’s important to move on a blogging platform that’s flexible, with room to grow.

Starting off with the wrong platform can make it very difficult to switch later on. But here is the right place for you. I will make sure your SEO stays intact as much as possible with the best migration of same like looks and features.

Migration Package:

Small - Website with less amount of post

Medium - Site with less number of post + pages

Large - Large number of post + Pages + Custom features

Extra Large - Direct Message for Budget & Timeframe


I will work on most platforms,

Includes -, Blogger, Wix, Weebly, Ghost, Joomla, Squarespace, Tumblr, Medium, etc...

Why choose me?

Specialized in migrating sites to WordPress
Have handled many difficult projects
Retain your site SEO (URL)
All Basic setup needed (Plugins & Themes)

Thank You!


Seller's Response:

Had a heavily customized blogger site with hundreds of articles and about a dozen pages to migrate, along with migrating shopify to woocommerce. Nicely done! I had attempted an automated conversion of the site before through hosting company and it was trashed. Do still have a lot of customization work left to do, but I know this gig saved weeks of frustration and feel like I'm on the way to taking this to the next level after years on a free platform. Thanks!

Seller's Response:

Thank you...If you have selected any other theme. I could have helped you with better design. Thrive theme is so limited to work on for me.

Seller's Response:

Great work! Thank you!


Went well above and beyond what was requested. A great pleasure to work with and will be back again.


I ordered the weebly to wordpress service. The service was great. He took the time to answer all of my questions, and I had a lot! He also took the time to thoroughly explain every detail of the conversion. Even when it was late, he got back to me pretty quickly. Overall, I look forward to seeing the final product, later this month. I will certainly give more feedback and a recommendation, at that time. Great job so far!

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