Sunday 25 August 2019

Convert Html To Awesome Wordpress Website


Hi, I am bhagat and i have 4 years of experience in this field. I can converting your html to WordPress website with flexible back end features. I am also solving if have any bug or issue in your WordPress blog / website.

Some features

√ Neat and clean and flexible back end
√ Easy to handle
√ Cool options for changing site content.
√ Custom options
√ Install SEO plugin if you asked
√ Uploading content, For that charge can extra
√ Uploading products, For that charge can extra

Converting charges is depend on your website functionality so please contact to me in inbox before placing order.
I would be happy if you share my gig to help your friend.

Also I can create awesome WordPress site or WordPress theme from html, converting your html to mobile friendly website. So using all of these skills i can create a Perfect professional website for you. 




He is an awesome developer. My first choice when i need to make any website. Thanks for such graet work and effort!!


Perfect and difficult work delivered in time.


He did a good job.


perfect like every time. i will hire again and again :*


He was so wonderful and really smart! He knows his stuff -- I would definitely recommend working with this seller!!

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