Friday 23 August 2019

Optimize Wordpress Website Speed And Improve Gtmetrix, Google Pagespeed Score



GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights are the best tools because we have found ourselves using more and more to get detailed reports about our site's performance.

As a result, tools allows to optimize website using various statistics and consequently suggests how your site is loading against the benchmark set by Google & Yahoo for a fast loading website.

Our optimization won't be based just on Scores, We focus more on the Loading Speed for your Visitors to deliver the best Experience to every potential buyer who visits your Website!

I will perform this task to improve your WordPress Speed and Load Time:

  • Enabling Gzip Compression
  • Eliminate render-blocking JS & CSS files above-the-fold
  • Optimize Images
  • Leverage browsing caching
  • Minify HTML, JS, and CSS files
  • Reduce server response time
  • Defer Parsing of Possible JavaScript Files
  • Removal of Query Strings
  • Database and Object Caching
  • Reduce Total Page Size
  • Complete Optimization using Premium Plugin (Save $49)

And all required works to reach 100. Fast loading sites get more sales and generate more revenue.

Order Now & Make Your WordPress Website Crazy Fast !!!


Seller's Response:

Absolutely amazing work from this seller. Most of my website was getting very low (GTM) D and F scores, but is now is getting all A's and B's! Excellent work, fast service, great communication... highly recommended seller for this service!

Seller's Response:

Delivery fast as promised. Site speed optimised from almost 13s to 2.46s. A huge improvement! Thank you.

Seller's Response:

quick turnaround


Thank you for the order, Happy to see your site loading less than 1.39s.


What can I say, you order, he gets it done, its amazing! Well done!

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