Monday 26 August 2019

Create Automated Wordpress News Website That Bank You


Are you looking for someone who can develop an automated news website on your demand?
This gig is the right choice to work with.

What are the features of News Website?

  • 100% Fully Automated Posts
  • Every time your w3bsite will be updated with the latest trends. 
  • mobile friendly websiite aka responsiveness.
  • WordPress based auto-update web-site is totally newbie & user-friendly.
  • Your website will be SEO Optimized for better rankings.
  • Important Pages Menu
  • Ad placement in main locations to capture clicks and sales.

What DESIGN you will get?

  1. Responsive layout experience in design.
  2. Looking as Like Brand.
  3. Elegant custom design logo, the favicon for your brand domain.
  4. Popular Social sharing buttons, users can easily share your content.
  5. Related posts on each post.
  6. You can edit pages, Add/Edit/Remove all data, images, Install/Remove plugins.
  8. There are the number of option for Monetization for you. You can easily add Clickbank, Amazon, Popunder, Buy/Sell, CPA Offers, Contextual & other Affiliate ads.

All you need is to buy your very own Domain Name and Hosting. Rest of the things will be managed by us.

Please contact me if you have any question


Seller's Response:

Thank you for your great work. Excellent work was delivered in time seem that this seller knows what he is doing.

Seller's Response:

Thank You for great and honest feedback.

Seller's Response:

very good experience

Seller's Response:

Thank You.

Seller's Response:

Very responsive. Able to understand requirements/issues and complete them in a timely manner.

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