Saturday 14 September 2019

Wordpress Yoast SEO Optimization And Learndash Lms


For Yoast SEO:

1-configure Yoast WordPress plugin.
2-Google, Bing and Yandex Webmaster Tools Verification
3-Optimize Meta tags, Meta Title and Meta Description for each page
4-Focused, Primary keywords Optimization for each page
5-Configure XML sitemap creation and submission
6-Redirect Broken Links to the Homepage or Parent Page
7-Permalinks structure and URL Optimization
8-Image alt tags and Speed optimization for each photo
9-Google, Bing and Yandex Analytics Configuration
10-SEO Friendly titles, URL and website structure
11-Complete SEO Audit
and Many other advanced Optimizations and also solved the seo problems in the entire website

For LearnDash LMS:
1-configure Yoast LearDash plugin
2- Created 2 pages ( account page and the couching programs page and designed as the same the other pages (colors,fonts etc) )
3- Custom registration and login popup
4- Define user privileges so that they do not reach their main dashboard of the site
4- The courses will appears in grid mode
5- Every user will able to see the courses he was joined and also his/her progress in each course and every lesson
6- Will receive alerts
7- BBPress 
8- Membership or pay per course 



Fast delivery, good job. Thank you


Thanks for your work, Ramez also has activated my Learndash LMS plugin with a valid license.It was fast too.


He is honest to work with!


Great!! Experience was awesome. Delivery as per requirement.


Ramez did excellent​ work. ​I definitely​ hire him again.

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