Wednesday 25 September 2019

Fix Wordpress Website SEO Issues


Do you have a WordPress Website? and It's not appearing in search results for your desired terms?

I'm here to solve your problem. 

I will do a detailed analysis of your WordPress Website, identify the technical issues it has and I will fix them to make your website perfectly optimized. What could be better than this?

What will I do in my WordPress SEO gig?

1. Keywords Research (Premium Plan)
2. Pages SEO based on provided keywords.
3. Meta Tags Creation
4. Website Content Analysis
5. WWW vs. Non-WWW Analysis
6. Search Engine Friendly URL Structure
7. Footer Navigation Optimisation
8. Logo-ALT Tag Analysis
9. Images Alt Tags Optimization
10. Page Not Found Analysis and Fixes
11. User Sitemap Analysis
12. Responsiveness Test
13. Google and Bing Webmaster Installation
14. Google and Bing XML Sitemap Creation and Installation
15. Set GEO Location
16. Set Crawl Rate
17. Set Preferred URL Version
18. Google Analytics Installation
19. Robots.txt
20. Website Indexation Test
21. Indexing Pages in Major Search Engines

P.S. It's a One Time Service. 

Questions? Please contact me before placing your order. 


Seller's Response:

If you are really looking for a real gem who knows his stuff what he is doing and why, this is the guy. I would highly recommend.


Awful. I didn't get what I ordered and we agreed upon and Fiverr didn't notify me when he marked the order as complete so I couldn't dispute it.


You are kidding with me? It's Fiverr who mark the order as completed after 3 days of delivery. You asked some questions, I answered them on the same day, go and check it yourself. You have no right to do this to someone without even discussing. I am speachless.


Great communication Wasim certainly knows his stuff when it comes to SEO. I will be submitting more gigs with Wasim. Thank you


Wasim showed me all the problems I had on-page and also what is he going to do. Then he did it and in 3 days I jumped from 4-5th page to second :) I think we will make it to first. Thanks!

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